Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Great Job Mrs. Walters!

If you haven't had a chance to meet our new principal, Mrs. Walters, you should make a point of it. As well as being highly qualified, she is very dedicated, incredibly motivated and extremely friendly. She's really started the school off strong and we are so happy to have her with us to lead our staff and students. Thanks Mrs. Walters!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall Carnival Volunteers Needed

The fourth annual DPM fall carnival will be on Saturday, October 24th and the PTA Fall Carnival committee is looking for some helping hands. We need parents, friends and family members to assist with the carnival. Return your volunteer/donation commitment letter as soon as possible.

Donations needed: K-2nd grade: 1 large bag of individually wrapped candy (no chocolate please). 3rd-6th: 12 pack of soda, juice or water. Everyone loves the cake walk, but we need baked goods to make it successful. EASY-UP CANOPIES – If you could loan yours for the carnival, it would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to help with preparation before the carnival, or help the day of the carnival, please contact Terri McConnell @ 439-7887 OR Annette Evans @ 265-8667 OR send an email to OR just return the completed form. Thank you in advance!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Thank you to all the DPM families that made the Fat Cat Cookie Dough sales such a huge success! We reached our goal of $4500 profit. You are all amazing.

Don't forget to pick up your cookie dough on Tuesday, October 6 from noon - 6:30pm. Due to limited freezer space, the dough MUST be picked up during this time.

More information will be available soon for volunteering to help unload the pallets of cookie dough.

Mrs. Springer's 6th Grade Car Wash Sales

Mrs. Springer's 6th grade class is working hard to earn money for Sly Park Camp. They will be selling discounted cards to the Pavilion Car Wash through November 6. Support these kids while supporting a local "green" company. I will be posting a flyer soon or you can contact Deb Osfeld at for more information.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mustang Madness is Coming!

Mustang Madness will begin this Friday, September 4th!

Students and staff can wear any DPM apparel or dress in school colors (blue, yellow & white) every Friday to participate in our grade-level spirit competition. One Friday a month, at random, Mrs. Walters will visit every classroom and determine the percentage of the class in school apparel/colors. Grade-level percentages will be averaged and a winning grade-level will be announced at the end of the school day. Students will then receive a prize the following Monday. PTA is currently selling DPM apparel. Order forms went home, but more can be found on the bulletin board in the office.

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the Del Paso Manor PTA blog. If this is your first time visiting, we’re happy to have you and encourage all feedback, good and bad. Missy Ballance was the creator of this site last year, but has recently turned it over to me, Terri McConnell. I’m new to “blogging”, but a veteran of DPM. Hopefully the combination will be successful.

I will be adding links to the site for local merchants and sponsors of DPM. We have so many local committed donors and we’d like to encourage everyone to patronize them when possible. Don’t forget to mention your appreciation. Their donations help make Del Paso Manor a better place for our children.

Check back regularly or subscribe to get update alerts.