Our PTA is proudly sponsoring the 2010-11 Reflections Program! Since 1969, the national PTA Reflections Program has encouraged students across
This blog is used to help Del Paso Manor PTA keep everyone informed of our future adventures, as well as our past accomplishments.
Help DPM by Signing Up at These Sites
Sunday, September 26, 2010
2010-11 National PTA Reflections Program
Last year, we introduced a new prize booth at the Fall Carnival—the Pink Elephant booth, where redemption tickets could be used to “buy” games and toys. Would you like to clear out some space at home and help a good cause? Please consider donating gently used toys and games for our Pink Elephant booth! Boxes will soon be placed in the office foyer to collect donated items.
Our awesome Fall Carnival is just about a month away: Saturday, October 23rd from 1pm-6pm.
We need a few folks to help organize the Pink Elephant booth, the Cake Walk, and donations solicitation. Please email us at dpmpta@hotmail.com for more information on these items. Keep in mind that volunteering with friends is always more fun, so please consider getting together with a friend or two and make it a fun friend project!
Annual DPM Spirit Wear sales
On sale beginning September 24th through October 14th
Flyers, signs and order forms are coming home this week! Spirit Wear brings our school together and helps give a sense of community and pride to our school. Your support of the DPM through the purchase of Spirit Wear is greatly appreciated by all! For more information or to see product options and size charts click on the following link: http://www.sanjuan.edu/DelPasoManor.cfm?subpage=129804
Friday, September 10, 2010
Community Forums to discuss 6th grade configuration...
If you would like to let the district hear your opinion on the proposals, there are several steps you can take:
1) Attend a Community Forum on the proposal on Sept. 29 at 7 pm at
2) Voice your opinion (or ask questions) regarding reconfiguration in a short, easy to use feedback form at http://www.sanjuan.edu/
3) Write letters to the
4) Attend District board meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 630pm in the District office: Sept 14 and 28, October 12 and 26.
Your voice can make a difference in directing this decision. Let the district know what you want for your children's education.GoodSearch.com & GoodShop.com
Wow! During the months of July and August, you DPM GoodSearchers and GoodShoppers helped us earn $17 in each of those months. Although $17 a month doesn’t sound like much, we’ll earn over $200 in a year if we keep it up. That is about the cost of a bus field trip and in these tough budget times, PTA funded field trips mean a lot to our kids. Please be sure to indicate DPM Elementary as the charity you wish to support and keep GoodSearching and GoodShopping for our DPM kids! If you haven’t tried this and have questions, please email us at dpmpta@hotmail.com. Or just click the link at the top of the page for more information!!
Room Parents still needed!
Could you help your teacher with communication to the other parents in the class? There are still a number of teachers who don’t yet have a parent signed up to help them. Please email the PTA at dpmpta@hotmail.com if you think you would like to sign up to help your teacher with this very valuable role!
Fall Carnival Coming Soon!!!
DPM's 5th Annual FALL CARNIVAL is coming soon. We have plans underway to create a fun , festive , community event on Saturday, October 23rd from 1pm-6pm. Please mark your calendars and join us in celebrating the coming of fall, the energetic spirit of our children, and the generosity of our wonderful families and community. Volunteers are needed to help with the planning stages. Please email us atdpmpta@hotmail.com if you think you may want to help!
Fat Cat Cookie Dough
All Fat Cat cookie dough orders are due to your child’s teacher by Tuesday, September 14. Thank you for supporting the DPM PTA! Remember, all cookie dough will be delivered to DPM and distributed to families on October 12th.
…and the DPM PTA Membership Drive continues!!
In an effort to accommodate as many DPM families as possible, we have decided to extend our