Thursday, November 19, 2009

Poem by Anna Chriss (3rd grade)

I believe I can achieve.
I am Anna Chriss
I hope to be sucessful in life.
I love to do gymnastics
I'm good at singing and dancing
I want to be drug free
I'm glad I am a drug free person
I think life is great?

Box Tops/Campbell’s contest – CHECKERED FLAG!!!

The collections have been counted up and the winners are:

1st Place: Ms. Staab’s Car #2,

2nd Place: Ms. Scholtes’ Car #19,

3rd Place: Ms. Mets #10!!

Congratulations are definitely in order for these classes! They’ll be enjoying a popcorn and movie party soon. Due to the fantastic participation of all our kids, we collected the minimum number of Campbell’s points (2,500) for Campbell’s to DOUBLE that for us!! Although the contest is over, we will be collecting all year long. Keep up the great work!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Next Thursday evening, Nov. 12, is DPM SKATE NIGHT at Foothill Skate Inn. Come out and skate with your friends from 6-8pm. Only $5 per skater, which includes you skate rental. Non-skating adults are free.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Poem by Billy Seubert

I want to be a good person so I will be a good friend.
I don’t do drugs because they make you sick.
I want to do a lot of sports and be a fireman. They do not do drugs. --Billy

Monday, November 2, 2009

Poem by Jack Larsen (Kindergarten)

I promise to not litter or to do drugs. I promise to like any basketball player that I like. I promise never to say bad words or to do bad things. And I promise to listen to my teacher Ms. Staab. If I don't do drugs I can grow up to be a policeman, a construction guy, or an artist. I like to carve pumpkins so I promise not to leave garbage anywhere. I like things that are healthy like homemade hamburgers, hot cereal, cold cereal and raisins and stuff. I promise to write with a pencil for the stuff Ms. Staab tells us to do with a pencil. --Jack


DPM celebrated National Red Ribbon Week last week, which is a time to promote healthy choices and drug & alchohol prevention. Hopefully you caught a glimpse of some of the items your child brought home; red wristband (worn all week), book mark, pledge card and ribbon.

Thank You to all the parent and student volunteers that helped facilitate the fun lunchtime activities for our DPM students. A big thank you also goes out to all the students that participated in these activities. We have some wonderful banners in the hallways and office area, as well as an impressive paper chain in the lunch room because of their efforts. DPM ROCKS DRUG FREE!!!

Be sure to visit the blog regularly to see the creative poems written by some of the students. All students that submitted poetry will receive a certificate on Friday to Chick-Fil-A for a free milkshake. When you visit Chick-Fil-A on Alta Arden, don’t forget to thank them for their generous donation to our school!