Thursday, April 30, 2009

News for Week Ending May 1st

Finish out the school year with Box Tops!
Do you realize that we could raise $1,250 for our school if each student brought in just 5 Box Top coupons each week for the last five weeks of school? Let’s give it a try! Starting next week, please deposit your coupons in the Box Tops container in the school lobby. Our progress toward the goal will be posted in the MP room and the PTA’s blog,

National Teacher Appreciation Week is almost here!
May 4th through May 8th, 2009. Take time during this week to do something nice for your child's teacher each day. Our annual DPM- PTA Teacher Appreciation Lunch is scheduled for Monday May 4th. Please contact Laurie Clay at 916-607-1507 or e-mail to if you are interested in helping out.
We could use help with any of the following:
· Decorations
· Food or Drinks
· Paper goods
· Setup, serving, or clean up
"We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude." Cynthia Ozick

*DPM Fundraiser Car Wash*
Good news! In our first week of sales, DPM sold over 30 cards raising $300 so far! Imagine if we could do that every week until the end of May; we could raise another $1500!! New log sheets will be handed out with Friday’s newsletter; so please continue to sell cards for Pavilion’s Car Care Center . Remember to turn in $ to your teachers or the office. If you need more sales logs, please ask your teacher or see Kim in the office. Want to volunteer with the sales at school events? Contact Kristin at .

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